Team Harbinger Celebrates Employee #500

Vikas Joshi
August 5, 2012

Harbinger Group's employee count has crossed 500 now. Bootstrapping this company from a start-up, and developing it into a global organization delivering cutting-edge software has been a wonderful personal journey for me. It has been full of learning and a sense of meaningfulness, that only comes from pursuing a purpose with passion.


Harbinger grew in interesting times. Founded in the pre-liberalization days of Indian economy, it witnessed the emergence of India on the global economic scene. In parallel, it participated in key transformations in computing technology - personal computing, the Internet,  mobile, social media and more.

In times of constant change, some things have remained constant at Harbinger - notably its values: make an honest buck, respect the individual and learn continuously. At Harbinger, the guiding light has been its unwavering purpose: make a difference in our world through software innovations.

We have been doing that, and how. Harbinger pioneered several e-learning technology innovations, including Raptivity, helping thousands of course developers build interactive content. We built some great e-learning content for leading global corporations. We helped dozens of cutting-edge global software vendors build their products which eventually reached hundreds of thousands of users. We participated in the evolution of Windows operating system by working with Microsoft. In the process we developed several long-term customers, who came to look upon us as partners in innovation.

In conversations with new employees, ex-employees, customers and colleagues at Harvard Business School I keep hearing this - 'There's something different about this company'. It's a difference that matters, and I feel committed to preserve it and to build upon it.

As we reach the milestone of 500 employees, all I have to say is: Thank you Team Harbinger, for creating this wonderful workplace to belong to, and where it feels right.