Day 1 - Opening Session

Vikas Joshi
November 3, 2010

The highlight of the opening session was meeting everyone in person - the energy of participants was palpable. Selected case studies of entrepreneurial initiatives were presented.

Barack Ben-Avinoam of Iris Ventures, Israel, presented how the venture has become a growth engine for the local, regional and national economy. Receiving about 300 business plans a year, they select a dozen and fund them. The technology incubator leverages matching funds from government.

I presented BaseCamp 2010, an ad-hoc social e-learning environment set up to foster entrepreneurial learning for corporate executives within Harbinger Group in 7 cities. The emphasis was on bringing out collaboration and team learning.

Sabetha Mwabenja presented women entrepreneurs finance program, from Exim Bank Tanzania.

Fernando Moncayo Castillo presented how they took the lessons in entrepreneurship development from Singapore government to Ecuador -  a great example of learning facilitated by World Economic Forum.

Prof. Patrick Molle, President of EMLYON Business School and Mr Jean-Luc Decornoy, President of KPMG SA welcomed the delegates. The conference has begun.